Attracted to Liquid Web’s Passion to Help Entrepreneurs Grow

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A 15 year Rackspace veteran, Kelly Goolsby, brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to Liquid Web in his new role leading the Solutions Architect team.

Liquid Web Helpful Human - Kelly Goolsby

While Kelly has experience at Rackspace architecting hosting solutions for fortune 1000 companies, his passion is helping entrepreneurs and SMBs find and create solutions that will help their business grow.  As Kelly puts it, “I love being a part of the customer’s growth journey. I get excited helping them succeed. And I found that same helpful passion in Liquid Web’s strategy and culture.”

Kelly held multiple roles at Rackspace, initially starting in a Sales and Marketing role kicking off the live chat division, eventually moving to Sales and Business Development positions before finding his spot in a Solution Engineering role.  Kelly led a team of Solution Architects at Rackspace for over 5 years and as part of that took on product training for the Solution Architects across the organization.

Along with helping start up’s with their architecture,  Kelly loves sharing insights on how fast-moving technology can help entrepreneurs with their businesses.  “With technology, you can do a lot more with a lot less. A company no longer needs to hire a large team to get things going.  Recent innovations like containers are making it easy to deploy applications. You can create something right on your laptop and then easily move that into a development and later production environments which could be in your data center, our cloud, or almost anywhere”, said Kelly.  Kelly knows there are many different options for customers now, and he finds it fascinating to connect customers and businesses with the right solution.  Security is also really important and dear to his heart.  “After the incidents with Home Depot and Target, that really changed the way we all think about security. Security is a shared responsibility”, said Kelly. Since all the recent high profile incidents, security is a priority item for all of his customers, it is not just a check-box any longer.

In addition to architecting the best solution for Liquid Web customers, our Solutions Architect team also enables the product proficiency of our Hosting Advisors and provides valuable customer insights and feedback to our product development planning.  

On a personal note, when Kelly isn’t being a Helpful Human, he loves to travel the world with his wife and son. Whether it is a quick weekend getaway or a trip outside of the country, Kelly and his family enjoy just getting out of the house and visiting new places.  Kelly also has a passion for nerding out on home automation stuff and reading at least two books at a time.

We are excited to have you on board Kelly! Welcome to the team!

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About the Author

Mayra Pena

Mayra Pena, is the former Communications Manager at Liquid Web and has over 10 years of experience in technology. Her passion is being a Helpful Human by creating and sharing valuable content for the Liquid Web community.

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