Author: Isaac Noboa

Former support technician, budding software developer, and general tinkerer. If there's one thing Isaac enjoys more than understanding how systems work, it's helping others do the same.

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Minecraft is a sandbox/adventure game that challenges you to survive and explore an infinite world that you can modify at will. Just a few years after launching in 2009, Minecraft exploded in popularity, eventually becoming the highest-selling game of all time at 200 million copies.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes


If you're invested in the world of web development, you might have already heard of containerization and all its advantages or even enjoyed them yourself by using one of the many available containerization solutions. It’s not an exaggeration to say that software containerization has changed the world, just as the change from bare metal to virtual machines (VMs) did. 

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What is a Webhook?

Posted on by Isaac Noboa | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Webhooks are an essential building block in our modern cloud ecosystem. They are used to feed real-time data from one app into another by responding to a triggered event and are used for all kinds of notification and automation systems.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes



Just as regular visitors reach our server every day, so do others with more nefarious intentions. It is simply not reasonable to run an online service without some layer of protection. To protect against some of these attacks, Ubuntu ships with ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall). This is a tool designed to make Ubuntu firewall management as easy and user-friendly as possible. Specifically, ufw provides a cleaner interface for the core firewall tools netfilter and iptables, which, while robust, can be challenging to master.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Remote Code Execution?

Remote code execution, also known as code injection, is one of the most common ways hackers compromise a website. This term encompasses multiple techniques which have one aspect in common. The attacker passes off their code as legitimate in the server's eyes, using a data submission method typically reserved for regular users.

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