How To Deploy A WordPress Optimized Template Server

Posted on by dpepper | Updated:
Category: Series | Tags: WordPress
Reading Time: 4 minutes


Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation for an older account management system.

Step #1: Create the Server

  1. If you’re not already a Liquid Web customer, you'll want to start from our Managed WordPress product page, and select a plan that meets your needs. If you have an existing Liquid Web account, log into Manage and click the Create button in the top left, then click on Managed WordPress.Create menu
  2. The Create a Managed WordPress Server page allows you to select your server options, with a sidebar reflecting the monthly and estimated prorated costs. The totals will update as you make your selections.Create Server
    • Choose Server Type allows you to select your zone, server size and image.
    • Bandwidth allows you to configure your outgoing bandwidth options. 5 TB of monthly transfer is included at no extra charge, and incoming bandwidth is free.
    • Daily Backups allows you to configure automated Storm® backup options, from $0.12 per GB per month. The Pay per Gig option allows you to specify how many daily backups to retain at that price, and the Quota Pricing option allows you to purchase a set amount of space for backups, retaining as many backups as can fit in that space and rotating them out as needed. Note that backups are not retained more than 90 days, regardless of the amount of space purchased.
    Hostname and Password

    • Hostname and Password allows you to choose the server name and a root password for the server.
      • The server’s hostname should be a subdomain of a domain name you control. Once the server is created, you will need to add a DNS “A” record pointing to the hostname; that will need to be done at the domain’s registrar and created in the main domain’s DNS zone file. In this case, we would need to add an A record for to’s authoritative DNS zone file once the server is created and an IP is assigned to it.
      • Please select only a strong password. It can contain upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. If you choose, you also can set up access with an SSH key previously stored in your Manage dashboard.
    • IP Addresses lets you choose any additional IP addresses for the server. One is included, and additional IP addresses (up to the number shown next to Available Slots Remaining) can be added now at a cost of $2.00 per month per additional IP address. If you have an IP pool associated with your account in the zone you chose, you also can add addresses from the pool. If you need more IP addresses than the IP Addresses section will allow, they will need to be requested via support ticket after the server has been created.
    • Once you have reviewed your choices, verified the estimated monthly and pro-rated costs, and read the billing terms at the bottom of the page, click the Create Server button.
    • You will be presented with a popup window to confirm your selection.
    Confirm selection

    • Clicking the Create Server button here will create the server and charge the card on file.

    • You will be returned to your Manage dashboard, where you can monitor the server’s creation.
    Server Creating

    • Once complete, you will see the server’s status listed as Running in your Manage dashboard. You’ll also receive an email following activation which contains the server name, IP address, and login credentials for the server. While you will add WordPress sites directly from your Manage Dashboard, each WordPress site also has access to its own cPanel for the configuration and management of email, databases, cron jobs, statistics, and more.The Create a Managed WordPress Server page allows you to select your server options, with a sidebar reflecting the monthly and estimated prorated costs. The totals will update as you make your selections.

Step #2: Configure DNS Records

Once the server is deployed, you will want to ensure that DNS has been properly configured for the hostname you selected.
If you have not already done so, you may wish to follow our guides to add a DNS record for the hostname and set up Reverse DNS.

Note that WordPress Optimized Template Hosting includes a free standard domain SSL certificate covering the domain name of each WordPress site you add to the server. The server itself is protected by a self-signed SSL certificate to encrypt cPanel, mail, and ftp connections. As such, you may need to accept the security certificate when connecting via cPanel or using secure email. If you would prefer to use a third-party verified SSL certificate to cover core services on your server, you can find instructions for purchasing and installing an SSL certificate for your hostname at Install an SSL certificate on a Domain using cPanel, and you’ll find a guide to installing the certificate at Installing Service SSLs in cPanel. Should you need any assistance, please feel free to contact a Heroic Support® technician who can assist with obtaining and installing an SSL from the vendor of your choice.
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