Tag: Fedora

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Preflight Check

  • These instructions are intended specifically for solving the error: 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_int.
  • We will be working from a Liquid Web Self Managed Fedora server, while logged in as the root user.

The Fix

This error may occur when attempting to connect to a vsftpd FTP server. You simply need to add one line to the configuration file, which this article assumes is in the default location of /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf.

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Reading Time: 12 minutes


Most Linux distributions ship with a command-line based text editor, usually Vi/Vim or Nano. While both are excellent choices, Vim has a steeper learning curve and can be confusing for beginners. Nano, on the other hand, will feel much more familiar to anyone who has used notepad or other simple text editors in a desktop or other graphical user interface. This is not to say that Nano is not as feature rich as Vim; it is simply more accessible.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

PostgreSQL supports many client authentication methods, but in this case we’re only going to concern ourselves with two: password and md5.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is Puppet?

lookPuppet is an intuitive, task-controlling software which provides a straightforward method to manage Linux and Windows server functions from a central master server. It can perform administrative work across a wide array of systems that are primarily defined by a “manifest” file, for the group or type of server(s) being controlled.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

lsyncd is an rsync-based tool that monitors specified directories (including subdirectories) for updates and modifications, then syncs those changes to a specified destination.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Logwatch is a Perl-based log management tool for analyzing, summarizing, and reporting on a server’s log files. It is most often used to send a short digest of a server’s log activity to a system administrator.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute


Git is a widely adopted, distributed version control system (VCS) and open source. It’s commonly used for source code management (SCM), with sites like GitHub offering a social coding experience, and popular projects such as Perl, Ruby on Rails, and the Linux kernel using it.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

PostgreSQL supports multiple client authentication methods including: trust, reject, md5, password, gss, sspi, krb5, ident, peer, ldap, radius, cert, and pam. Here we’re only going to concern ourselves with two: ident and md5.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

When connecting to PostgreSQL on Linux for the first time many admins have questions, especially if those admins are from the MySQL world. By default, when PostgreSQL is installed, a postgres user is also added.

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