Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust security is the concept, methodology, and threat model that assumes no user, system, or service operating within a secured internal environment should be automatically trusted. It put forward that every interaction must be verified when trying to connect to a system before being granted access. This concept uses micro-segmentation, and granular edge controls based on user rights, application access levels, service usage, and relation to the location to determine whether to trust a user, machine, or application seeking to access a specific part of an organization.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In this tutorial, we will look at several methods that are used to compromise a website. In today's world, websites use multiple procedures that represent the core functions of a modern business. Whether you have an eCommerce site or a business card site, a website is essential for driving business growth. We can safely state that a website is a unique image of your respective business. 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
Cloud Servers


In this article, we will compare the similarities and differences of a cloud server vs a physical server. Every business has similar and different approaches in how they operate. The differences often relate to what is essential for that specific business: the clientele, the need to process information/orders, and how quickly market adaptation changes are needed.

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Reading Time: 20 minutes

What is Lynis?

Lynis is a well known, seasoned security tool for Linux based systems (including macOS and/or other Unix-based operating systems. It performs an extensive health scan of your systems to support system hardening and compliance testing. The project is open-source software with the GPL license and available since 2007.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
HIPAA Compliance

In this guide, we outline the essential requirements for HIPAA compliant servers and how Liquid Web helps fulfill these necessities.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

HIPAA-Compliant Hosting provides a foundation for healthcare providers to build applications and services that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, which safeguards themselves and their client’s Personal Health Information (or PHI). Anyone who has access to PHI is required by law to follow these rules and regulations to protect the healthcare data's privacy in their charge. 

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