Tag: Manage

Our hosting options give you an all-in-one control panel where you can give access to a user, pay your bill, or even add a DNS record. Check out our tutorials with straightforward instructions on many of the tasks performed within https://manage.liquidweb.com.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In order for one of our clients to start using the ‘one time secret’ tool within manage, you will need to login to the Manage portal to get started. Typically, passwords are not meant to be shared. Unfortunately, sometimes you will need to share a password or other sensitive data with the support admin you are working with. Regrettably, trying to pass along individuals character over the phone can be frustrating, annoying, and overly time consuming, and more so when a password is long and if the phone has a bad connection.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation.

The recently announced deprecation of the Legacy Storm Private Network has prompted several questions, the most frequent of which being: How to upgrade and am I affected? Fortunately this announcement only affects a handful of our thousands of clients, those being customers who started using the Private Networking back in 2013. If you’re not sure, you’re welcome to open a ticket and be certain.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Adding a DNS Zone

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Creating an API User in Manage

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Liquid Web’s Account Management System has a robust API that allows for accessing your account from outside the Manage interface. For example, the API can be used to integrate WHMCS directly to your Liquid Web account. To access the API, an API user must first be created for that account.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Storm Object Storage delivers a durable, secure, highly available solution for storage needs of virtually any size. With object storage access occurs via API calls to the object storage cluster, which replaces the need to rely on additional servers for dedicated storage.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Manage interface is Liquid Web's Account and Cloud Management Portal. From Manage, it is possible to control all of your servers and services, whether your deployment is one Cloud VPS or a combination of many dedicated servers and other cloud services.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Liquid Web allows additional IP addresses to be added to your server for a minimal fee. Having multiple IP addresses on your server can be useful when needing to differentiate domains hosted on your server. With multiple IPs you can set up advanced firewall configurations, use different hostnames with reverse DNS and more.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Preflight Check

  • This article assumes that you wish to order an SSL certificate through your Manage customer dashboard, or renew a certificate which you previously ordered through Manage.
  • For new certificates (non-renewals), you will first need to obtain a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). If you prefer, you can easily generate a CSR through cPanel or Plesk.

Ordering an SSL Certificate in Manage

Log into your Manage dashboard at https://manage.liquidweb.com and click on the Create button at the top left, then select SSL Certificate from the list of options.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

For security, Liquid Web can only provide account information to the account owner and their authorized representatives. Whenever you need to give a third party access to your account, be it your developer, administrator, or billing or IT department, you should know that you don’t have to share your Manage credentials. You can easily add authorized users to your account — and configure specific roles for them — directly from within your Manage interface.

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