Tag: Python

In our Knowledge Base, we provide an expansive library of tutorials from installing pip and Python to creating virtual environments for your different versions Python.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pip is one of the best tools to install and manage Python packages. Pip has earned its fame by the number of applications using this tool. Used for its capabilities in handling binary packages over the easily installed package manager, Pip enables 3rd party package installations. Though the newest versions of Python come with pip installed as a default, this tutorial will show how to install Pip, check its version, and show some basic commands for its use. Watch the video below or review the following article for additional instructions.

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Reading Time: 14 minutes


Ansible is a system of configuration management written in Python programming language which uses a declarative markup language to describe configurations. It’s used for automation of configuration and OS setup. Ansible is often used to manage Linux-nodes, but Windows is also supported. It supports work with devices with Python v2.4 and higher installed through SSH connection. In this article, we are going to review the DevOps tool called Ansible.    

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Reading Time: 5 minutes
taiga logo

Taiga is a free, open-source project management system. The back end consists of an API written in Python3 and Django, and the front end is written in AngularJS and CoffeeScript. Taiga can manage simple and complex projects, and also monitors the progress of a project. Taiga maintains logs that are displayed in the form of a worklist with all the functions and user stories added to the project. 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes
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IPython is a robust Python shell that handles indentation, syntax highlighting, tab completion, and more. In this tutorial, we will cover how to install IPython and walk through how to make use of some features it makes available. Python provides a default REPL or shell for users to run Python code in real-time and see the results. While this default REPL is extremely useful, it does not handle things like indentation, syntax, or highlighting. This is where Ipython shines.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Python is fast becoming one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Its low entry barrier for new programmers and simple, elegant syntax makes it a fantastic language to start learning. Python is excellent for task automation, and thankfully most Linux distributions come with Python installed right out of the box. This is true of Ubuntu 18.04; however, the Python package distributed with Ubuntu 18.04 is version 3.6.8. This article will cover how to install a newer version of Python, specifically, the latest stable version 3.8.3.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pyenv is an outstanding tool for managing multiple Python installations. Pyenv-virtualenv is a pyenv plugin that facilitates the creation and management of Python virtual environments with pyenv. This is a compelling proposition, making it possible to manage multiple Python versions with pyenv and provide the means to control the Python environment in a more granular manner.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Gradle?

Gradle is a high-performance open-source build automation tool that makes it possible to build just about any type of software. It is highly configurable and extensible via a well-developed plugin ecosystem. Because build automation is an integral part of the consistent delivery of software projects, Gradle integrates seamlessly with multiple IDE’s, including Android Studio. This tutorial covers the manual installation of Gradle on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Pyenv?

Pyenv is a fantastic tool for installing and managing multiple Python versions. It enables a developer to quickly gain access to newer versions of Python and keeps the system clean and free of unnecessary package bloat. It also offers the ability to quickly switch from one version of Python to another, as well as specify the version of Python a given project uses and can automatically switch to that version. This tutorial covers how to install pyenv on Ubuntu 18.04.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is a Dependency?

A dependency is defined as a file, component, or software package that a program needs to work correctly. Almost every software package we install depends on another piece of code or software to work as expected. Because the overall theme of Linux has always been to have a program do one specific thing, and do it well, many software titles utilize other pieces of software to run correctly.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a PPA?

A PPA (or Personal Package Archive) is a software repository provided by members of the Ubuntu Linux community. Software contained in a PPA can be downloaded and installed via apt, Ubuntu’s default package management system.

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