Tag: spf

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you have a Storm VPS or a Liquid Web Dedicated server-based account and you want to update or modify the reverse DNS of your IP addresses, you can do so easily using your Manage account.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have a VPS server or Dedicated server running cPanel, and your server is also running private nameservers, you will find the Web Host Manager’s (WHM’s) interface very useful when it comes to updating, creating, or removing DNS zone files for your domains.

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Gmail Blacklist

Posted on by Joe Reblin | Updated:
Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is the Gmail Blacklist?

As one of the most trusted email providers, Google keeps top-notch security by maintaining their own blacklist and security information. With the numerous users the company provides email accounts to, there is an overwhelming amount of data that Google can scrutinize for spam or malicious emails. By gathering this valuable information, rules are created to filter problem content. These rules are highly sophisticated, and as this data is compiled, specific IP addresses are flagged and sorted into what is called a blacklist.

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What is an SPF Record?

Posted on by Jay Allen
Reading Time: 3 minutes

An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a list of servers that are allowed to send email from your domain. These reduce spam activity that may be perceived to originate from your domain, which is known as source address spoofing.

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